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  Information Reporting Form of Tax Residence Status of Non-resident Taxpayer
  (For Enterprises)

Filling date:   XXXX  YXX   M XXD


○扣缴申报                                          Withholding declaration

退税                                                                                                   Tax refund

.Basic Information of   Withholding Agent

Name of withholding agent


Tax identification number of withholding agent


.Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer

Chinese name of non-resident taxpayer


Tax identification number of non-resident taxpayer in   China


Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state   (region)


Tax identification number of non-resident taxpayer in   resident state (region)


Contact address and postal code in China

Contact address and postal code in resident state (region)

Telephone number in China


Telephone number in resident state (region)


Resident state (region)

Name of the applicable tax treaty


三、扣缴义务人使用信息.Information for Use by Withholding Agent

Note: The term "tax resident" means any   person (e.g. an enterprise or individual) who, under the domestic tax law of   a contracting state to the tax treaty, shall be regarded as a resident. If   the non-resident taxpayer is not a resident of the other contracting party to   the tax treaty, it shall not be entitled to the treatment under the tax   treaty.

    The   organization type of the non-resident taxpayer  in the other contracting party   

         Business entity with independent   taxpayer status
       Business   entity without independent taxpayer status
         Non-profit organization

    Please   explain if the answer to Question 1 is "others".


    Please cite   the domestic legal basis based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies   as a tax resident of the other contracting party:

    Please   briefly describe the facts based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies   as a tax resident of the other contracting party:

    I hereby   declare that I am a tax resident of the other contracting party to the tax   treaty and the purpose of becoming such a tax resident is not to obtain the   tax treaty benefits.
                                  Seal or   signature of the non-resident taxpayer                                                      Y          M         D

四、税务机关管理使用信息Ⅳ.Information for   Use by Tax Authorities

    The Enterprise Income Tax Law prescribes   that a resident enterprise refers to an enterprise that is established within   the territory of China pursuant to Chinese laws or an enterprise that is   established within the territory of another country or region pursuant to   that country or that region's laws whose place of effective management is   located in China. According to such provision, is the taxpayer a tax resident   of China?

□是   Yes
□否   No

    Place of   registration (state or region)

   Place of   effective management (state or region)

   Place of head   office (state or region)

    Please   briefly describe the main business activities of the non-resident taxpayer in   the resident state (region).

    For a   non-resident enterprise claiming tax treaty benefits under the article of   dividends, interest, royalties or capital gains, please provide information   of all shareholders holding directly or indirectly at least 10 per cent of   rights and interests of the enterprise.

  Name of shareholder

  Place of registration (home address)

  Residence state(region) of the shareholder

  Ratio of holdings






10.非居民纳税人从中国取得的所得在居民国(地区)纳税情况(限于列入税收协定适用范围的税种)    Information   of taxes paid in the resident state (region) on the income derived from China   by the non-resident taxpayer (for taxes covered by the tax treaty only)

  Name of tax

法定税率 Statutory tax   rate

Legal basis and provision description for the   non-resident taxpayer to enjoy tax reduction or exemption in its resident   state (region)




    Does the   non-resident taxpayer qualify as a tax resident of any other states (regions)   based on the laws of such states (regions)? If yes, please specify the names   of all such states (regions).

    If the treaty   contains provisions of "Limitation on Benefits" or   "Entitlement to Benefits", please briefly describe whether the   non-resident taxpayer meets the requirements of these provisions.

.Additional Notes


 I hereby declare   that the information given above is true, accurate and error-free.

非居民纳税人签章Seal of   non-resident taxpayer 年月日
Signature of the representative    Y           M         D 

Seal of the withholding agent:

Seal of the tax agent:

Dedicated seal of the in-charge tax authority:

  Signature of the case handler:

  Signature of the case handler:

Received by:

填表日期:        年   月   日
Date of filing:      Y      M         D

申报日期:          年   月    日
Date of filing:        Y        M        D 

受理日期:  年   月  日
Date of case acceptance:     Y      M    D




I. This form is applicable to non-resident enterprise income taxpayer who claims tax benefits under a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA, including the DTAs with Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions) or International Transport Agreement signed by China.


II. This form can be used for self-declaration or withholding declaration, as well as for the non-resident taxpayer’s application for tax refund. The non-resident taxpayer initiating the self-declaration for claiming tax treaty benefits, or applying for tax refund, shall complete two copies of the form: one form is to be submitted to the in-charge tax authority at the time of such declaration or application, and the other form is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer. Where the non-resident taxpayer’s China sourced income is subject to withholding tax, administered at source or by means of a designated withholding agent, and the non-resident taxpayer is entitled to tax treaty benefits, the non-resident taxpayer shall complete three copies of the form: one is to be given to the withholding agent to submit to the in-charge tax authority at the time of the withholding declaration, one is to be kept by the withholding agent and another is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer.


III. Part I of the form shall be filled in by the withholding agent, and will not be required in the case of self-declaration. The rest of the form shall be filled in by the non-resident taxpayer. When filling in the form, the non-resident taxpayer can attach separate sheets to the form if necessary.


IV. “Information for use by withholding agent” in Part III of the form is used by a withholding agent to decide if a non-resident taxpayer is eligible for tax treaty benefits in withholding at source; the rest is for the tax authority to gather information for administrative purposes.


V. The non-resident taxpayer shall provide accurate and complete information to answer the questions contained in the form. Please write “N/A” in the form if a situation described in a question is not applicable for a non-resident taxpayer.  For a multiple-choice question, please mark “√” in a corresponding box (“□”) or circle (“○”) for a choice that fits a non-resident taxpayers situation.  If a non-resident taxpayers situation falls into the description of a question marked with *, answers shall be provided; otherwise, it can be skipped.


VI. This form is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of divergence in the two languages, the Chinese text shall prevail. Unless otherwise stated, it shall be completed in Chinese.


VII. Instructions on how to fill in each item are as follows:


IBasic Information of Withholding Agent


Name of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its full name as shown in its tax registration certificate.


Tax identification number of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its identification number as shown in the tax registration certificate.


IIBasic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer


Chinese name of non-resident taxpayer: Fill in the full Chinese name used by the non-resident taxpayer in China.


Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region): Fill in the full English name of the non-resident taxpayer which is used in the non-resident taxpayer’s state (region) of residence.


Resident state (region): Fill in the name of the independent tax jurisdiction where the non-resident taxpayer is a resident. Tax resident of Hong Kong or Macau SARs should indicate "Hong Kong SAR" or "Macau SAR" as appropriate.


IIIInformation for Use by Withholding Agent


Question 1, “The organization type of the non-resident taxpayer in the other contracting party”: Determine if the non-resident taxpayer is a "business entity with independent taxpayer status" or a "business entity without independent taxpayer status" based on whether it independently pays the taxes covered by the Agreement in the other contracting party. Answer Question 2 if the organization type is categorized as "Others". Briefly describe the organization type, characteristics and nature of the non-resident taxpayer.


Question 3, “Please cite the domestic legal basis based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party”: Cite the provisions of the domestic law of the other contracting state (region) on how to define and determine tax residency. Specify the name of the law, the number of the relevant clauses, and specific provisions.


Question 4, “Please briefly describe the facts based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party”: Provide facts in support of the claim that the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting state (region). For example, where the contracting party determines tax residency based on the place of registration, the non-resident taxpayer should provide information such as the place and time of registration, etc.


Question 5, “Declaration”: Declaration should be signed and dated by the legal representative or the designated person of the non-resident taxpayer, and/or sealed by the non-resident taxpayer.


(IV) Information for Use by Tax Authorities


Question 7, “Place of registration (state or region)”: State the name of the independent tax jurisdiction where the non-resident taxpayer is registered. If registered in Hong Kong or Macau SAR, note "Hong Kong SAR" or "Macau SAR" as appropriate. It is the same in case of the place of effecitve management and the place of head office.


Question 9, “For a non-resident enterprise claiming for the benefits under the Agreement's articles of dividends, interest, royalties or capital gains, please provide information of all shareholders holding directly or indirectly at least 10 per cent of rights and  interests of the enterprise”: Provide the latest information at the time of claiming for treatment under the Agreement.


Question 10, “Information of taxes paid in the resident state (or region) on the income derived from China”: Specify the statutory tax rate as prescribed in the domestic law of the resident state (region). If the non-resident taxpayer has enjoyed tax reduction or exemption in the resident state (region), quote the name of the relevant law, the number of relevant clauses, and specific provisions that form the basis for such reduction or exemption. Note "N/A" if the non-resident taxpayer did not enjoy any reduction or exemption in the resident state (region).


Question 11, “Does the non-resident taxpayer qualify as a tax resident of other states (regions) based on the laws of such states (regions)”: If the taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of a third state (region) other than China or the other contracting party based on the laws of that third state (region), specify the name of that state (region). If more than one states (regions) are relevant, please specify all of them.


(V) Additional Notes


Non-resident taxpayer can provide other information that the non-resident taxpayer believes should be considered by the in-charge tax authority about the non-resident taxpayer’s residence status. Please specify the special situations in the additional notes, if any.


(VI) Declaration


The declaration shall be sealed by the non-resident taxpayer,  and/or signed by the legal representative or authorized representative of the non-resident enterprise, and the date of the statement shall be provided.


VIII. Any information and materials provided by the non-resident taxpayer will be kept confidential by China’s tax authorities.



(Certificate of Chinese Fiscal Resident)



编号(Catalogue Number):××××××××××    

纳税人名称(Taxpayer’s Name):××××××××××

纳税年度(Tax Year):XXXX

缔约国(地区)Contracting state (jurisdiction):××××

为享受税收协定待遇的目的,经中国税务主管当局国家税务总局授权,兹证明上述纳税人是中国税收居民。(For the purpose of enjoying Double Taxation Agreement benefits, and authorized by the State Taxation Administration (STA), the Competent Authority of the People’s Republic of China, this is to certify that the above-named taxpayer is a Chinese fiscal resident.)






         Director of,State Taxation Administration







Information Reporting     Form of Tax Residence Status of Non-resident Taxpayer

For     Individuals)


Filling dateXXXXY XX  M XX D

          Self-declaration         Withholding declaration                   Tax refund

I.Basic Information of Wi

hholding Agent

Name of withholding a



    Tax identification number

f withholding agent


II. Basic Information of     Non-reside



Chinese name of non-resident taxpayer


Name of no

-resident taxpayer in resident state (region)



Type of ID certificate


Number of ID certificate


Contact address


postal code in China

Contact address and postal code in the r

sident state (region)



one number in China


phone number in resident state (region)

Resident sta



Name of the applicable tax treaty

三、扣缴义务人使用信息III. Informati

n for Use by     Withholding Agent

Note: The term "tax resident" means any     person (e.g. an enterprise or individual) who, under the domestic tax law     of a contracting party to the ta

treaty, shall     be regarded as a resident. If

he non-resident     taxpayer is not a resident of

the other     contracting party to the tax treaty, he/she shall not be entitled to the     treatment under the tax treaty.

    Please ci

e the domestic     legal basis based on which the

non-resident     taxpayer qualifies as a tax resi

ent of the     other contracting party:

    Please     briefly describe the facts based on w

ich the     non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a t

x resident of     the other contracting party:

        I hereby declare that I am a tax resident of the other contracting     party to the tax treaty and the purpose of becoming such a tax resident is     not to obtain the tax treaty benefits.
          Seal or signatu

e     of the non-resident taxpayer                   


M         D

四、税务机关管理使用信息IV. Information for

Use     by Tax Authorities

        According to the Individual Income Tax Law, an individual will be     regarded as a tax resident of Chi

a     if the individual has a domicile in China or, if the individual has not a     domicile in China, the individual has lived in China for one year.     According to such provision, is the taxpayer a tax resident of China?

□是 Yes
□否 No


 Does the non-resident taxpayer have a     domici

e in China?

□是 Yes
□否 No

    Which of     the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under     concerning his or her residence in China?
         The     individual has lived in China for a period or periods not exceeding in the     aggregate 183 days within one tax year.
         The     individual has lived in China for more than 183 days but less than one year     within one tax year (days of temporary departure from China included).
         The     individual has lived in China for more than one year but less than five     years.
         The     individual has lived

n China for     five years or more.

    Which of     the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under     concerning his or her permanent home?
        The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her permanent home only in the other     contracting state (region).
        The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her permanent home only in China.
            The non-resident taxpayer has     his or her permanent homes both in China and the other contracting state     (region).
            The non-resident taxpayer has     his or her permanent home neither in China nor in the oth

r contracting     state (region).

    If the     non-resi

ent taxpayer     has a permanent home in a third state (region), please provide the name(s)     of such state(s) or region(s).

9、非居民纳税人的重要利益中心所在地属于以下哪种情况?    Which of     the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under     concerning his or her centre of vital interests?   □非居民纳税人的重要利益中心在需享受税收协定缔约对方国家(地区)          The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her centre of vital interests in the other     contracting state (region).   □非居民纳税人的重要利益中心在中国         The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her centre of vital interests in     China.   □非居民纳税人的重要利益中心在第三国(地区)          The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her centre of vital interests in a third     state (region).   □非居民纳税人无法确定重要利益中心在何地         The     non-res

dent taxpayer     cannot determine where his or h

r centre of     vital interests lies.

    Main states     (regions) in which the non-resident taxpayer's family members live (If     there a

e more than one     states or regions, please

list them all).

    Which of     the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under     concerning his or her habitual abode?
        The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her habitual abode in the other     contracting state (region).
        The     non-resident taxpayer has his or her habitual abode in China.
            The non-resident taxpayer has     his or her habitual abode in a third state (region).
        The     non-r

sident taxpayer     cannot determine the place of his or her habitual abode.

    Nationality     of the non-resident taxpayer (If the non-resident tax

ayer has     multiple nationalities, please l

st them all).

    Does the     total amount of the assets and economic interests held by the non-resident     taxpayer in China exceed that in the other contr

cting state     (region)?

□是 Yes
□否 No

14、非居民纳税人从中国取得的所得在居民国(地区)纳税情况(限于列入税收协定适用范围的税种)    Information     of taxes paid in the resident state (region) on the income derived from     China by the non-resident taxpayer (for taxes covered by the tax treaty     only)

Name of tax

Statutory tax rate

Legal basis and pr

vision     description for the non-resident taxpayer to enjoy tax reduction or     exemption in his or her resident state (region)




    Does the     non-resident taxpayer qualify a

 a tax resident of any other states     (regions) based on the laws of such states (regions)? If yes, please     specify the names of all such states (regions).

V. Add

tional Notes

VI. Declaration

    I hereby     declare that the information given above is true, accurate and error-free.
    Seal or     signature of t

e non-resident     taxpayer               Y 

    M          D

Seal of the withholdin


Seal of the tax agent:

Dedicated seal of the in-charge tax authority:

    Signature of the case handler:

    Signature of the case


Received by:

Date of filing:            Y     


Date of filing:         Y     M         D 

Date of case acceptance:  Y      M  D




I. This form is applicable to non-resident individual income taxpayer who claims tax benefits under a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA, including the DTAs with Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions) or International Transport Agreement signed by China.


II. This form can be used for self-declaration or withholding declaration, as well as for the non-resident taxpayer’s application for tax refund. The non-resident taxpayer initiating the self-declaration for claiming tax treaty benefits, or applying for tax refund, shall complete two copies of the form: one form is to be submitted to the in-charge tax authority at the time of such declaration or application, and the other form is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer.  Where the non-resident taxpayer’s China sourced income is subject to withholding tax, administered at source or by means of a designated withholding agent, and the non-resident taxpayer is entitled to tax treaty benefits, the non-resident taxpayer shall complete three copies of the form: one is to be given to the withholding agent to submit to the in-charge tax authority at the time of the withholding declaration, one is to be kept by the withholding agent and another is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer.


III. Part I of the form shall be filled in by the withholding agent, and will not be required in the case of self-declaration. The rest of the form shall be filled in by the non-resident taxpayer. When filling in the form, the non-resident taxpayer can attach separate sheets to the form if necessary.


IV. “Information for use by withholding agent” in Part III of the form is used by a withholding agent to decide if a non-resident taxpayer is eligible for tax treaty benefits in withholding at source; the rest is for the tax authority to gather information for administrative purposes.


V. The non-resident taxpayer shall provide accurate and complete information to answer the questions contained in the form. Please write “N/A”in the form if a situation described in a question is not applicable for a non-resident taxpayer.  For a multiple-choice question, please mark “√” in a corresponding box (“□”) or  circle (“○”) for a choice that fits a non-resident taxpayer’s situation.


VI. This form is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of divergence in the two languages, the Chinese text shall prevail. Unless otherwise stated, it shall be completed in Chinese.


VII. Instructions on how to fill in each item are as follows:


(I). Basic Information of Withholding Agent


Name of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its full name as shown in its tax registration certificate.


Tax identification number of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its identification number as shown in the tax registration certificate.


(II). Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer


Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region): Fill in the full English name of the non-resident taxpayer as shown in his/her ID document, such as the full English name on the passport.


Type of ID certificate: Fill in the name of the valid certificate that can identify the sole identity of the non-resident taxpayer, such as a passport.


Number of ID certificate: Fill in the number of the ID document of the non-resident taxpayer, such as the passport number.


Resident state (region): Fill in the name of the independent tax jurisdiction where the non-resident taxpayer is a resident. Tax resident of Hong Kong or Macau SARs should indicate "Hong Kong SAR" or "Macau SAR" as appropriate.


   (III). Information for Use by Withholding Agent


Question 1, “Please cite the domestic legal basis based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party”: Quote the domestic law of the other contracting state (region) on how to define and determine tax residency. Specify the name of the law and the number of relevant clauses, and specific provisions.


Question 2, “Please briefly describe the facts based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party”: Provide facts in support of the claim that the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting state (region). For example, where the other contracting party determines tax residency through domicile, the non-resident taxpayer should provide facts regarding his or her domicile. Where such determination is based on the criterion of residence duration, the non-resident taxpayer should provide relevant details accordingly.


(IV). Information for Use by Tax Authorities


Question 5, “Does the non-resident taxpayer have a domicile in China?”: Based on "Implementation Rules of the Individual Income Tax Law Of the People's Republic of China", "individuals who have domiciles in China" refer to individuals who by reason of their permanent residence, family relations or economic interests, habitually reside in the People's Republic of China.


Question 7, “Which of the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under concerning his or her permanent home?”: Permanent home in this form includes any residential location, such as house, apartment or room rented by the taxpayer. Such residential location, however, should be permanent in nature, i.e. the taxpayer's stay at this location should be long-term rather than temporary (e.g. for tourism or business purposes).


Question 9, “Which of the following scenarios does the non-resident taxpayer fall under concerning his or her center of vital interests?”: Typically the non-resident taxpayer's center of vital interests lies in the state or region where he or she permanently resides, works, and owns family and properties.


Question 14, “Information of taxes paid in the resident state (region) on the income derived from China by the non-resident taxpayer”: Statutory tax rate refers to the tax rate as prescribed in the domestic law of the resident state (region). If the non-resident taxpayer has enjoyed a tax reduction or exemption in the resident state, quote the name of the law, number of relevant clauses, and quote provisions that form the basis for such reduction or exemption. Note "N/A" if the non-resident taxpayer did not enjoy any reduction or exemption in the resident state (region).


Question 15, “Does the non-resident taxpayer qualify as a tax resident of other states (regions) based on the laws of such states (regions)?”: If the taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of a third state (region) other than China or the other contracting state (region) based on the law of that third state (region), specify the name of that state (region). If more than one states or regions are relevant, please specify all of them.


(V).  Additional Notes


Non-resident taxpayer can provide other information that the non-resident taxpayer believes should be considered by the in-charge tax authority about the non-resident taxpayer’s residence status. Please specify the special situations in the additional notes, if any.


(VI).  Declaration

15. 由非居民纳税人个人签字或加盖印章,并填写声明日期。

The declaration shall be signed or sealed by non-resident taxpayer in person, and the date of the statement shall be provided.


VIII. Any information and materials provided by the non-resident taxpayer will be kept confidential by China’s tax authorities.

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